Meet Dr. Canlas

Blending art and dentistry for the people of Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Barbara Canlas, DDS

“In every smile, I see a canvas of unique stories waiting to be unveiled.”
Dr. Canlas smiling while wearing her dentist uniform

Born and raised in Alabama, Dr. Canlas embarked on a journey that led her to the picturesque landscapes of Michigan. Dr. Canlas pursued her academic endeavors at Loyola University of Chicago and double minored in chemistry and psychology. This unique blend of disciplines has molded her into a dentist who excels in the technical aspects of her craft and deeply comprehends the psychology of patient care.

Dr. Canlas’ dedication to her craft took her to the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. She pursued an AEGD (Advanced Education in General Dentistry) residency at the University of Connecticut to refine her skills, transforming her into an artist who can master complex and esthetic dental treatments.

For more than a decade, Dr. Canlas made a profound impact through her compassionate and patient-centered approach while working in Chicago and Evanston, Illinois. Her practice’s scope and philosophy aligned with our own, creating a legacy of caring dentistry in the hearts of her patients.

Dr. Canlas has returned to Michigan, where her journey began, and is enthusiastic about continuing her professional career with us. Her commitment to crafting smiles with precision and compassion ensures that our patients experience exceptional dental care.

Discover the artistry of dentistry with Dr. Canlas, where every smile is a masterpiece waiting to be created.

Her Quick CV

Learn more about our dentist's knowledge and background.

A gray icon of a student with a graduation cap
    • Loyola University, Chicago

    Major: biology. 

    Double Minor: chemistry and psychology

    • University of Michigan School of Dentistry

    Nationally ranked dental school

A gray icon of a dentist chair
    • Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) Residency, University of Connecticut

    Specialized in complex and esthetic dental treatment

    • 13 Years of Professional Practice in Chicago and Evanston, IL

    Aligned with philosophy of patient-centered care

Book an Appointment
Meet Dr. Canlas in person and experience the art of dentistry.